Difference between gorillas and chimpanzees : Gorillas and chimpanzees are primates which can be seen in their habitats across various destinations. The gorillas and chimpanzees are both endangered primate species and these two creatures are easily confused by visitors during their primate safaris. However, there are many aspects that differentiate the chimpanzees and gorillas.

In appearance, gorillas are bigger than chimpanzees and they are about 3 times bigger. Arms, muscles and chests of gorillas are also more pronounced and they can also be recognized by their small ears and giant fingers, black faces.

Chimpanzees on the other hand have pink like faces, big ears, and are small in size. They are also known to be very intelligent and very cunning as compared to the gorillas. Chimpanzees are also more intelligent as compared to gorillas.

Difference between gorillas and chimpanzees
Gorilla trekking in Bwindi

Another difference between  is that gorillas feed on leaves as well as flowers while chimpanzees also feed on insects as well as fruits. They are both omnivores however.

When it comes to their nests, chimpanzees build their nests in trees while gorillas build their nests in trees or on the ground. These creatures however both share the same type of habitat which is forests although gorillas live in the higher altitude areas and chimpanzees can be seen in lower altitude areas. Gorillas also spend more time on the ground as compared to chimpanzees which spend their time swinging from one tree branch to another.

The lifespan of a gorilla is also different from that of chimpanzees in a way that chimpanzees can live for a duration of between 50 to 60 years while the lifespan of a gorilla is shorter and ranges between 30 to 50 years.

Female chimpanzees are smaller than the male ones which is also the same for gorillas where the males which are also known as silverbacks are big in size as compared to the female gorillas.

Chimpanzees do not have hair on their faces, fingers, palms and hands and these parts have a pink like color and gorillas in contrast have a dark color even of their skin.

You can also tell,  apart based on the location of their ears. Gorillas have small ears towards the back of their heads while chimpanzees have bigger ears which stick out from their small heads.

In terms of reproduction, the gorillas start reproducing at an early age as compared to chimpanzees which start giving birth between 13 to 15 years. The gestation period of chimpanzees and gorillas is similar although chimpanzees tend to reproduce more.

The gorillas are known to be stronger than chimpanzees and when provoked they can cause a lot of damage. Gorillas are however peaceful animals as compared to the troublesome chimpanzees.

The social nature of gorillas and chimpanzees differs and this can be seen when interacting with them. Chimpanzees are very interactive in nature and social too and they live in groups. Gorillas are shy in nature and spend their time with their gorilla families and also live peacefully with other primate species in the forests.

Chimpanzees differ from gorillas in the way they walk and this can be seen during trekking experiences during which chimpanzees move faster. Both move on their four limbs although gorillas’ movements are slower.

Difference between gorillas and chimpanzees
Kibale Chimps

There are also similarities and they include that both these species share about 90% DNA that is similar to that of humans and stories of evolution also explain that humans are believed to have originated from the apes and evolved over time to what they are today.

Visitors from different parts of the world also engage in primate tours in various destinations and in East Africa these destinations include Nyungwe forest national park for chimpanzees in Rwanda, Volcanoes national park in Rwanda for gorillas, Bwindi national park and Mgahinga national park in Uganda for gorillas, Kibale national park in Uganda for chimpanzees, Virunga national park in Congo for gorillas among other places where chimpanzees can be seen.

A number of activities are carried out during interactions with gorillas and chimpanzees and these activities include gorilla trekking, gorilla habituation, chimpanzee trekking and chimpanzee habituation.

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