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Hiking Safari Experiences in Uganda : While traveling through Uganda, you will notice the rolling landscape from isolated rock outcrops as Inselbergs such as Tororo rock, hills as Usukuru and Cadam to Volcanic ranges of Elgon, Virunga volcanoes and glaciated host of Rwenzori Mountains spread across the different destinations mixed tropical forests, lakes and rivers to open savannah wilderness that attract adventurous clients to challenge heights.  

Relatively simple hikes are done regularly on well-maintained trails in some conservation areas during nature walks, forest walks, hot springs trails, crater lakes trails and waterfalls trails. For experienced trekkers with zeal to conquer altitudes, try the Rwenzori Mountains at approximately 5,109 meters above sea level. The hike could cover up to 7days to reach the peak (Margherita), but also short tails exist here. Other hiking spots include the ragged Virunga volcanoes in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Mount Elgon National Park, Mount Moroto and Sipi falls as well as the undulating landscapes of Kisoro, Bubdibugyo among others. 
As noted earlier, our hiking tours offer alternatives with each destination attracting a given set of people and all levels of fitness and ability; all put into consideration during a safari, with exceptions of fully organized hiking trips calling for experienced and physically fit participants that need hiking gears guided by professional hiking guides. Some of the destinations to go trekking include Virunga volcanoes in Mgahinga gorilla national park, Gahinga, Sabinyo, Rwenzori and Elgon thus Hiking Safari Experiences in Uganda.

Safari destinations like Murchison falls national park will offer hikes to the top of the falls and the Royal mile walk through Budongo forest. While in Fort Portal, Kibale Forest and Queen Elizabeth National park you could hike around several crater lakes to the top of the world. In Semliki valley national park, walks to the male and female Sempaya hot springs are regular but hiking the landscapes is a bit frightening and calls for experience. In Bwindi impenetrable forest national park, there are several hiking trails, especially the birding trails and waterfalls. Kidepo Valley national park and Lake Mburo are also suitable for walking clients to appreciate nature but with the help of a ranger guide and could interest amateurs.  

Common hiking destinations in Uganda;

Mount Rwenzori national park

The Rwenzori ranges are renowned for hiking, and Margherita stands as the highest peak at approximately 5,109 meters as the tallest mountain in Uganda and the third tallest in Africa. It is in Western Uganda along the border with DR Congo. The highest three peaks of Rwenzori Mountains include; Margherita 5109 m, Mt. Speke 4,890 m and Mt. Baker 4,843m have permanent snow on the side of Uganda in Rwenzori Mountains National park

The landscape on the Rwenzori Mountains is magnificent with five different zones of vegetation from the tropical rain vegetation, through the montane, bamboo, giant lobelias to the heath and moorland each with its unique flora and fauna. Hiking through these vegetation zones is an opportunity to see different plant life and flowers as you experience nature at its best with birds like the great blue Rwenzori Turaco and hamerkop bird, flowing Rivers such as Mubuku and Bujuku and snowcapped summit. 

Hiking Safari Experiences in Uganda
Mount Rwenzori national park

Hiking here calls for experience, the physical and mental health of climbers as well as those deemed fit yet adventurous travellers interested in hiking to the summit, two established trails are the central circuit takes 8-9 days while the Kilembe trail takes 9-12 days respectively. 

For armatures and first-timers, the park has incredible short hikes within and outside the park that are worth taking and do not require much physical fitness. Within the park, the trail Munyanga loop and Mubuku explores the tropical forests where you are likely to see primates, three-horned chameleon, squirrels and many birds. The trail takes you up to 2,300 meters above sea level to reach the views of Baker and Portal peaks. The look of Margherita can sometimes is blurry because of the cloudy weather, but on a clear day, it’s an impressive sight.   

The Bwamba trail also can be accessed from the northern Rwenzori ranges. Starting from the Abanya Rwenzori communities, you will trek through scenic mountain villages up to 1,500 meters above sea level where you get a view of the rift valley, the surrounding bamboo and tropical forests. You get to meet friendly locals in the villages of  Kichwamba thus Hiking Safari Experiences in Uganda.

The Virunga Volcanoes in Mgahinga Gorilla National park;

Mgahinga gorilla national park boasts of three dormant Virunga volcanoes making it a perfect place for hiking in Uganda. Mount Gahinga, Mount Sabinyo and Mount Muhabura offer day hiking excursions that start at Ntebeko the main visitor centre. You will experience stunning views of Virunga Mountains, when you hike through lush tropical and bamboo forests filled with a variety of plants such as Epiphytes, Giant lobelias, amazing swamp crater lakes and indigenous Batwa pygmies.  

Mount Muhabura stands at 4,127 meters above sea level offering more adventurous hiking experiences, being the tallest in Mgahinga gorilla national park. The hiking trail to its summit takes 9-8 hours, and it has steep ladders at challenging steep inclines. However, the views from the summit are breathtaking, and on a clear day, you enjoy views of the Rwenzori snowcapped peaks. 

Mount Gahinga standing at 3,474 meters boosts a swamp crater on its summit which is an excellent place for a picnic. The views of the Crater Lake are some of the rewards after the hikers have conquered the expedition and the top is a real adventure. It goes through a beautiful bamboo forest where you may spot primates, especially the rare endangered Golden monkeys and birds. What other medal do want other than “gold?”

Mount Sabinyo of about 3,669 meters above sea level requires climbers to trail through its rugged gentle peaks, and within 6hours an average trekker will be at the summit due to ease in hiking on the moderate terrain.

Batwa community trail in Mgahinga national park

Batwa cultural trail is yet another experience searching for a traditional cultural experience offered by the pygmies. You will have a hike to explore the ancient Garama caves and learn about the culture of the shortest people on earth that were found living into the dense jungles as hunters and fruit gatherers until the 1991 resettlement plan and need to gazette Bwindi-Mgahinga conservation area as home for the gorillas. However, to maintain, conserve culture and diversify activities to reduce the pressure on the gorillas, the Batwa have set up a trail in Mgahinga. Visitors can enjoy the Batwa demonstrating their skills such as hunting, fire making, and identifying herbal plants. At the end of this walk, Batwa can perform a traditional dance.

Mount Elgon national park

Mount Elgon offers excellent mountain climbing tours, and at some time in the past it was the tallest mountain in Africa, but denudation process have left it standing at 4,321 meters above sea level, and the summit is Wagagai. Climbing can take between 4-7 days, depending on the pace and experience of the hiking team.  There are three trails taking climbers to the summit Wagagai. Each with its level of ease or challenging ascents, all trails offer hikers spectacular views of volcanic foothills, caves, gorges, waterfalls, and streams. These include; 
Sasa trail;  is best for first timers and armatures for it is short and the easiest of the trails, this can be done within four days to complete the challenge. 

Hiking Safari Experiences in Uganda
Mount Elgon national park

Sipi trail; is doable in 4-6 days. It’s gentle and possible from the trailhead but becomes a bit hectic and challenging as you approach the summit; thus, best for experienced hikers.
Piswa trail; takes seven days. It is the longest but easiest of the trails with gentle slopes and inclination. However, climbers can hire porters to carry supplies during hiking thus Hiking Safari Experiences in Uganda. 
For tourists who may not wish to hike to the summit, shorter trails are overlooking the lower forested slopes of Elgon, and you may encounter primates, birds, plants, and spectacular views of other peaks of Elgon. Tourists can also enjoy camping and hiking along the Uganda-Kenya boundary in Mount Elgon national park.

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