Uganda martyrs

Uganda martyrs are the brave Christian converts who gave up their lives for their faith during  the spread of Christianity in the colonial times. The reason for the killing of the Uganda martyrs by Kabaka Mwanga was because of the increased spread of Christianity which the king did not like. Anglican Missionaries arrived in Uganda around 1877 before the catholic missionaries who arrived in Uganda around 1879.

By the time of the arrival of the missionaries in Uganda, the king of Buganda was Kabaka Muteesa I. Following the death of Kabaka Muteesa I around 1884, his son Kabaka Mwanga II took over leadership.

After ruling the Buganda kingdom for some time, Kabaka Mwanga realized that the teachings of the missionaries contradicted the traditional beliefs of the Buganda kingdom and many of his followers were converting to Christianity which he saw as a threat to his rule.

With time Kabaka Mwanga developed a hatred for Christianity and started persecuting the Christians and the missionaries including Yusuf Rugarama, Nuwa Serwanga, Makko Kakumba, Joseph Balikudembe Mukasa among others.

Uganda martyrs
Uganda martyrs

Following orders from Kabaka Mwanga many young men within the Kingdom of Buganda were told to denounce their faith and when they refused to do so they were killed. The martyrs who were killed were 45 in number including 22 catholic martyrs and 23 martyrs who were of Anglican faith.

The names of the Uganda martyrs are as follows Yusuf Rugarama, Kakumba Makko, Sserwanga Nuwa, Balikuddembe Mukasa, Mukasa Musa, Kaggwa Anderea, Ngondwe Posiano, Ssebuggwawo Denis, Bazzekuketta Antanansio, Gonza Gonzaga, Mbwa Eriya, Muddu-aguma, Mulumba Matiya, Muwanga Daudi, Kayizzi Kibuuka, Mawaggali Nowa, Mayanja Kitoogo, Muwanga, Lwanga Karoli, Baanabakintu Lukka, Buuzabalyawo Yakobo, Gyaviira, Kiuuka Ambrosio, Kiriggwajjo Anatoli, Kiriwawanvu Mukasa, Kiwanuka Achileo, Kizito, Lugido mukasa adolofu, mugagga, sserunkuuma Bruno, tuzinde mbaga, kadoko alexanda, Mubi-Azaalwa, Munyangabyangu Robert, Kifamunnyanja, Kiwanuka Giyaza, Kizza Frederick, Kwabafu, Muwanga Njigija, Lwakisinga Mukasa, Lwanga, Nakabandwa Danieri, Wasswa, Walukagga Nuwa and Muzeeyi Jean-Marie.

Youngest martyr among the Uganda martyrs was Kizito who was 14 years old and he was among the servants of Kabaka Mwanga. Today Kizito is remembered for his courage and faith and is also the patron for children.

The martyrs who were killed in northern Uganda were Daudi Okello and Jildo Irwa. They were catechists who spread the gospel to people in their community and they were from Agago district.

Some of the martyrs who were killed were from Buganda region while others were from Busoga, Bunyoro, Ankole and other regions in Uganda. The martyrs were killed in different locations including Namugongo, Munyonyo, Mengo, in northern Uganda among others. Of the 45 martyrs some were burned while others were beheaded and killed and some even castrated.

Uganda martyrs were killed following orders of Kabaka Mwanga and every 3rd June they are celebrated in Namugongo where pilgrims from different parts of the world gather to celebrate the faith and courage of these martyrs.

Pope Paul VI proclaimed the Uganda martyrs as saints at the St Peters Basilica in Rome in 1964 and the martyrs became saints in the catholic church.

The Uganda martyrs were slain by Kabaka Mwanga II the kabaka of Buganda. However today the martyrs are remembered for their faith. Catholics gather at the Namugongo martyrs shrine every 3rd June and Anglicans gather at the Anglican martyrs’ church to celebrate the martyrs. Prayers are also held at the Namugongo martyrs shrine on Sundays and other days of the week.

During a tour in Kampala, visitors can also visit the Namugongo martyrs shrine and get to learn more about the martyrs and also tour around the shrine. The shrine is built in an African hut like shape with 22 pillars representing the Uganda martyrs and the seating capacity of the shrine is about 1000 people.

Outside the Namugongo martyrs shrine, there are pavilions where pilgrims can also gather. There is also an altar which is surrounded by water at Namugongo and it is where prayers are held during the 3rd June martyrs celebrations every year.

The 3rd June martyrs celebration at Namugongo is also a time when Bishops, priests, deacons, and many other religious leaders as well as political leaders and people from different walks of life gather to pray at Namugongo in remembrance of the Uganda martyrs.

Uganda martyrs
Namugongo Martyrs Shrine

Prayers on the Uganda martyrs shrine on 3rd June are led by different dioceses of Uganda and the 2022 celebrations at Namugongo was led by Fort Portal diocese which organized the prayers and were part of the choir. Even the king of Tooro (King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV) was in attendance of the celebrations of Uganda martyrs at Namugongo on 3rd June 2022.

The young and the old also make pilgrimage to Namugongo martyrs shrine from different parts of the country and the world and gather to pray at Namugongo. During the COVID pandemic however, the martyr’s day celebrations were not held.

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