Birding in Uganda

Birding in Uganda :  Uganda is an East African country which is famous for birding around various destinations. Birding in Uganda can be done around the savannah grasslands, around the forests, swamps and many other places. The endemic bird of Uganda is the fox’s weaver and it can be seen in eastern Uganda around katakwi, Soroti, Kumi as well as around the Mount Elgon region.

Bird watching in Uganda can be done as activity during a tour across various destinations in Uganda as part of a group, as an individual or during a private tour with the help of a knowledgeable birding guide.

During birding tours in Uganda, visitors can spend as few as 4 days on tour or even as long as 1 month of moving around different birding destinations around the country. These tours can also be combined with wildlife viewing and other activities in Uganda.

birding destinations in Uganda

Some of the destinations around Uganda where birds can be seen during a birding experience around the country include the following;

Mabamba wetlands

Mabamba wetland is among the famous birding spots in Uganda where the rare shoebill stork can be seen as well as many other bird species.

Birding in Uganda
Shoe Bill stork

It is located on the northern shore of Lake Victoria and Mabamba swamp is about 12 km from Entebbe. Over 300 bird species are found at this destination and they include papyrus gonolek, white winged warbler, blue swallow, pallid harrier,   African marsh harrier, glossy Ibis, long toed lapwing among others.

Botanical gardens

Birding in Uganda can also be done in botanical gardens which is found in Entebbe along the shores of Lake Victoria.

About 206 bird species can be seen when birding around the botanical gardens in Entebbe and they include marsh sandpipers, common green shark, Madagascar bee eater, yellow backed weavers, sunbirds, great blue turaco, brown parrots among others.

The botanical gardens are a good destination for a day tour when visiting Uganda and it can be visited before going to the far birding spots in Uganda.

Kibale national park

Kibale forest national park is located about 5 to 6 hours drive away from Kampala  and it is a destination which is not only known for its many birds but also for being a primate capital. Primates such as chimpanzees, black and white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys among others can be seen around Kibale forest.

Places where birds can be seen around Kibale national park include the Bigodi wetlands and the Kibale forest. Birding in Kibale can be done in the morning or in the afternoon and it can be combined with activities like chimpanzee tracking, chimpanzee habituation or forest walks.

Some of the bird species which can be seen during a birding experience in Kibale national park include white winged warbler, papyrus gonolek, green breasted pitta, long legged buzzard, red capped robin chat, papyrus canary, yellow rumped tinkerbird, blue breasted kingfisher, red chested owlet, ruwenzori apalis, African grey parrot, hairy breasted barbet, nahan’s francolin, red faced woodland warbler, crowned eagles and many others.

Queen Elizabeth national park

Queen Elizabeth national park is another birding destination in Uganda and it has over 600 bird species. Places around the national park where bird species can be seen include Maramagambo forest, kyambura gorge, Kazinga channel and also around the savannah.

Birding in Uganda
Greater honeyguide

Bird species which can be seen around Queen Elizabeth national park include red capped lark, African crake, martial eagles, falcons, African skimmer, plain martin, lesser swamp warbler, yellow billed oxpecker, African spoonbill, saddle billed stork, arrow marked babbler, brown snake eagle, lesser and greater honeyguide, plain backed pipit, cisticolas, weavers, starlings among others.

Wildlife species such as elephants, hippos, buffalos, lions, antelopes, warthogs among others can also be seen when birding around Queen Elizabeth national park, Birding in Uganda.

Semuliki national park

Semuliki national park is another good birding destination in Uganda and it has over 450 bird species.

40% of the birds living in Uganda can be seen during birding around Semuliki national park. Bird species which can be seen around Semuliki include dwarf hornbills, barblers, crested flycatcher, yellow throated nicator, turacos,  lemon bellied crombec, black swallow,  long tailed hawk, among others.

Tourists can also enjoy forest walks and visiting the Sempaya hot springs during their tours around Semuliki national park.

Murchison falls national park

Another birding destination is Murchison falls national park which is also a famous safari destination on in Uganda. During a birding experience in Murchison falls national park, bird species can be seen during game drives, nature walks as well as during boat cruises which are among the activities carried out at the destination.

Over 650 bird species are found in Murchison falls national park and they include marabou storks, open billed storks, weavers, black bee eaters, hornbills, flycatchers,  grey herons, woodpeckers, plovers, warblers, hamerkops, secretary birds, black bellied bustards, francolins, shrikes, brown twin spot, little greenbul, black billed turaco, ituri batis among others.

Birding in Uganda
brown twin spot

The royal mile is among the places in Murchison falls national park where birding is carried out during a tour. The Albertine escarpment and the northern part of Murchison falls national park are also good destinations for birding, Birding in Uganda.

what time of the year is best for birding in Uganda

Birding in Uganda can be done at anytime of the year however the best time for this activity is during the months from March to May and also around November to April when migratory birds can also be seen around the country.

What you will need for a birding trip to Uganda includes a field guide book or checklist, binoculars, a good camera, sunglasses, mineral water, comfortable hiking shoes, mosquito repellant, rain gear, sunhat and also company of a knowledgeable guide.

March to May is a time when rains are received around Uganda and the country also experiences the dry season around June to October which is considered a good time for tours around Uganda when wildlife species can be seen around waterholes.

Visit Uganda and experience one of the best birding experiences across different parts of the country.

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